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Vol. 1 (2021)

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Authors in this issue:

Javier González Argote Patricia Rodríguez, Brenda Mamani Fernanda Camaño Téllez, Manuel Gimenez, Cristina González Humberto Figueredo, Alicia Rittz Lázaro Ramírez Izquierdo, Rubí Torres Zaldívar Michael Ronaldo Lozada Cuervo, Verenice Sánchez Castillo, Gelber Rosas Patiño Verenice Sánchez Castillo, Sandra Camila Narváez Hoyos, María Manuela Artunduaga Osorio Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano, Kimberlyn Dahiana Cicery Molina, Yuly Noreidi Murcia Robles Yolanda Price, Sharon Gillett, Gloria Lennen Paola Carolina Vallejo Benítez, Maribel Garcia Rojas Rosa María Montano-Silva, Sheyla Matos-Arias, Dachel Hernández-Álvarez, Yoneisy Abraham-Millán, Reynier Ruiz-Salazar Iris Cantillo Velásquez, Greys Sáenz Gutiérrez ,

Published: October 16, 2021


2021-05-11 Editorial
Navigating the Labyrinth of Communities and Interculturality

In an ever-evolving world where globalization and technological advancements seem to shrink the geographical distances between nations and cultures, the relevance of community studies and interculturality becomes increasingly evident. As we embark on this intellectual journey through the pages of "Community and Interculturality in Dialogue," our interdisciplinary journal, we invite you to delve into the rich tapestry of topics that define the essence of our academic pursuit. This publication explores multifaceted facets of communities, embracing sociocultural studies, interculturality, community work, social health approaches, health education, gender studies, activism, social policy, and migration.
The foundation of our journal lies in recognizing that communities are not static entities; instead, they are dynamic, ever-evolving organisms shaped by the interplay of sociocultural forces. As we navigate the intricate landscape of community and interculturality studies, we are guided by a commitment to fostering collaboration among diverse disciplines and professionals engaged in community-oriented research. Our objective is not only to understand communities better but also to facilitate positive change within them.

By Javier González Argote

2021-07-16 Original
Educational intervention in diabetic older adults of Jujuy

Introduction: Population aging and increasing life expectancy pose challenges in the care of chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Gerontological research and adapted education are essential to address this global problem.
Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted in diabetic patients over 60 years of age in Argentina, implementing a six-session educational program from October 2020 to February 2021. Knowledge was assessed, ethical principles were respected and confidentiality was guaranteed.
Results: Predominance of patients aged 60-64 years (42.62%) and women (63.94%). Initial inadequate knowledge about hypoglycemia, exercise, foot care and diet improved significantly after the intervention. Importance of attending the elderly population, especially those aged 60-64 years and women. Effectiveness of the educational program on metabolic control and lifestyle changes. Recommendation to expand similar programs in primary care.
Conclusions: Care of elderly diabetic patients requires a specialized approach, and tailored educational programs are effective in disease management and promotion of positive lifestyle changes. Wider implementation of these programs is recommended to improve patients' quality of life.

By Patricia Rodríguez, Brenda Mamani

2021-07-01 Original
Education for the control of arterial hypertension in older adults: An effective approach

Introduction: The research focuses on evaluating the understanding of arterial hypertension among patients, especially in the geriatric population, with the aim of educating them and promoting their participation in pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. This study seeks to improve medical care and communication between health professionals and patients, in order to reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications and improve the quality of life of the community served by the health center. Methods: A study was conducted to assess the knowledge and management of hypertension in patients over 60 years of age in a private clinic in Mendoza, Argentina. Surveys, review of medical records, and blood pressure measurements before and after educational activities were used. Results and discussion: In the study, it was observed that most of the patients were men (83.56%) and were in the age group 70-79 years (78.08%). The main risk factors identified were stress (93.15%) and smoking (73.97%). Following the intervention, there was a significant increase in disease awareness (97.26%) and an improvement in blood pressure control, with the majority of patients moving into the partially controlled category (83.56%) from the uncontrolled category (16.43%) before the intervention. Conclusions: Education improved knowledge and control of hypertension.

By Fernanda Camaño Téllez, Manuel Gimenez, Cristina González

2021-06-27 Original
Determinants in the quality of life of the elderly: community and nursing home perspective

The present study focused on the relationship between family functioning and quality of life of the elderly in a city of Salta. With the participation of 106 elderly people, various dimensions were evaluated using tests such as FF-SIL, the Katz scale and the Lawton Index. The results highlighted that a high percentage (75.5%) of the elderly received support from their families, which underlined the importance of family support in their quality of life. In addition, patterns of toxic habits and positive interpersonal relationships were observed in the population studied. Most of the elderly lived in adequate conditions, which highlighted the importance of an adequate living environment and health management in old age to maintain a good quality of life. This scientific study evidenced that family support, satisfactory interpersonal relationships and functional independence are key factors for a satisfactory life in old age. These findings emphasize the need for health promotion strategies in the elderly population.

By Humberto Figueredo, Alicia Rittz

2021-09-29 Original
Evaluation of educational intervention on sexually transmitted diseases in adolescents

Introduction: Insufficient knowledge about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) among adolescents is a serious problem that requires attention. Sex education is essential to address this problem and promote a healthy relationship with sexuality. Adolescence is a critical stage for establishing behaviors and attitudes, and effective educational programs are critical to improve knowledge and awareness of STIs in this vulnerable population.
Methods: An educational intervention study was conducted to improve STI knowledge in adolescents. The effectiveness of the intervention was evaluated by means of before and after questionnaires, being considered effective if more than 80% of the sample improved their knowledge.
Results: Active sexual life increases the risk of STIs. Education is essential to prevent them, but lack of information and social taboos are obstacles. After an educational intervention, adolescents improved their knowledge, including symptoms, prevention and behavior to follow. This highlights the importance of education in promoting healthy sexuality and prevention.
Conclusions: Adolescents have little knowledge about STIs before education, which improves their understanding. Lack of parental information and social taboos contribute to this lack. Adequate understanding of STIs is essential for informed sexual health decisions. Sex education should be a shared responsibility between family, school and health professionals, actively involving adolescents.

By Lázaro Ramírez Izquierdo, Rubí Torres Zaldívar

2021-10-11 Original
The importation of panela in the peasant economy of the municipality of San José del Fragua

Panela production for many years has been the main livelihood of many families in the municipality of San José del Fragua, which is anchored in the department of Caquetá. This market has suffered various effects due to the import activity, which comes from other departments and as a result has had a negative impact on the profitability and production of families. This has triggered a series of disagreements on the part of small and medium-sized producers towards the government, since they have never had significant support with which they can make up for the low income due to the fact that this panela that they import is cheaper and consumers buy it. they prefer it only because the price is more attractive, leaving aside the quality and origin of the product. Therefore, the objective was oriented to identify the reasons why the peasants preferred the imported panela product. Various methods and techniques were used such as: the interview and documentary analysis. As a main result, it was evidenced that the import activity is the main problem faced by the peasants of the municipality of San José del Fragua in the commercialization of panela.

By Michael Ronaldo Lozada Cuervo, Verenice Sánchez Castillo, Gelber Rosas Patiño

2021-04-21 Original
Agroecological transition from the establishment of Sacha Inchi with the producers of Sacha-Huila

During the course in the historical development of humanity, it has been verified that the activity of harvesting has promoted social well-being due to the implementation of agriculture. There is a large number of articles in the literature, which confirm the importance that agricultural development has had in the advances of society. In this sense, natural resources must be protected and policies must be established that are aimed at achieving the improvement of individual and collective efforts focused on the preservation of resources that are currently running out. That is why, the agricultural production systems must be modified, so that they achieve their optimization, and in this way, contribute to the sustainable development of the social environment. Therefore, it is proposed as an objective to characterize the process of agroecological transition from the establishment of Sacha Inchi with the producers of SACHA-HUILA. For its achievement, a qualitative analysis was carried out in the study areas taking into account the historicity of the land use and intervention of the territory (social landscape, productive landscape) that finally allowed obtaining preliminary results of the agroecological transition process of the Sacha crop Inchi.

By Verenice Sánchez Castillo, Sandra Camila Narváez Hoyos, María Manuela Artunduaga Osorio

2021-12-01 Original
Effect of Decree 229 on property tax collection in the municipality of Florencia Caquetá during the COVID-19 health emergency

The article examines the socioeconomic crisis that affected the department of Caquetá and its capital, Florencia, in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on the unified property tax as a source of revenue for the municipality. Taxes in Colombia are categorized and the relevance of the property tax as a crucial source of local revenues is highlighted. The methods for calculating the rural property tax are discussed and land productivity is considered. The collection of municipal taxes in Colombia, especially the property tax, is analyzed, along with its history and regulation. The study used surveys, interviews and information search. The results indicate an increase in collection in 2020 due to Decree 229, but also point to a lack of awareness of its benefits among taxpayers. The municipal administration considers that the decree had a positive impact.

By Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano, Kimberlyn Dahiana Cicery Molina, Yuly Noreidi Murcia Robles

2021-11-09 Original
Educational intervention for the reduction of intestinal parasitism in children under 5 years of age. Belize City, 2021

Introduction: Intestinal parasitism represents a serious health problem worldwide, affecting both developed and underdeveloped countries, with more than one billion people infected by various types of parasites. Methods: The study focused on improving knowledge of parasitic diseases in mothers of children under five years of age through an educational program in a public clinic in Belize. A baseline survey was conducted, education was implemented, knowledge was reassessed, and participants' confidentiality and informed consent were guaranteed. Result and discussion: The educational intervention significantly improved their knowledge of intestinal parasitosis, increasing from 77.5% to 95% in key areas. This highlights the effectiveness of educational interventions in health promotion. Conclusions: Most of the mothers in the sample were between 20 and 29 years old with high school education, and initially had limited knowledge about intestinal parasites, but after the educational intervention, their understanding in all topics assessed improved significantly, demonstrating the effectiveness of the program.

By Yolanda Price, Sharon Gillett, Gloria Lennen

2021-11-06 Original
Analysis of the acceptance of independent women with regard to "Anthony Fierro" jewelry in Dijon (France)

For the expansion of a brand it is necessary to know the acceptance it will have in its target market. In the present case of the Colombian brand "Anthony Fierro", an internationalization is sought towards the city of Dijon in France, where there are strategic allies for the collection of information in the framework of the execution of the research. The purpose of the research is to analyze the acceptance that independent women in Dijon have of Colombian handmade designs with natural materials. The data collection through a qualitative approach allows obtaining relevant information on the perception of the target public, their consumption habits, preferences and disposition towards the type of jewelry proposed. The study highlighted jewelry design as a determining factor in the purchase decision, which is generally impulsive, and shows the handcrafted and natural characteristics as additional positive arguments.

By Paola Carolina Vallejo Benítez, Maribel Garcia Rojas

2021-12-17 Original
Community Oral Health Promotion: Evaluation of an Educational Intervention for the Prevention of Oral Cancer and Premalignant Lesions

Introduction: oral cancer is one of the top ten locations of cancer incidence in the world and in Cuba.
Objective: develop a community intervention for the promotion and prevention of premalignant lesions and oral cancer in patients aged 19-59 years.
Method: community intervention with experimental design, with pre-test, post-test and control group, in clinics 1, 3 and 24 belonging to the three polyclinics of the Isle of Youth in the period 2017-2019. The sample was 1300 patients distributed in the three offices, being probabilistic, simple random. An experiment group and a control group were determined for each office, made up of the same number of patients. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods were used and the variables: age groups, sex, risk factors, oral hygiene and level of knowledge about premalignant lesions and oral cancer.
Results: the age group of 35-59 years predominated for 71,7 % and the female sex for 63,7 % in the studied sample. Before the intervention, a bad level of knowledge predominated, representing 43,7 % of the experimental group, managing to raise it too good after the intervention by 67,5 %, reducing the risk factors initially detected.
Conclusions: the use of new information and communication technologies in promotion and prevention activities contributed to raising the level of knowledge about premalignant lesions and oral cancer, the main risk factors and oral self-examination, and to transforming the ways of performance.

By Rosa María Montano-Silva, Sheyla Matos-Arias, Dachel Hernández-Álvarez, Yoneisy Abraham-Millán, Reynier Ruiz-Salazar

2021-11-26 Original
Diagnosis of human talent needs required by organizations at Magdalena

This research manuscript presents the results of the diagnosis of human talent needs in the department of Magdalena, in order to be taken into consideration by Higher Education Institutions when adjusting their academic offerings and creating programs and services aligned to current requirements. The study consisted of diagnosing 66 organizations, including companies, Higher Education Institutions and state entities, to determine the needs and perceptions of the services offered by higher education in 2021 in Magdalena. This was done through a virtual semi-structured survey and a focus group. Among the findings, training needs were identified at the levels of technical, professional, technological and professional education in the sectors of agribusiness, agriculture, commerce, education, technology, engineering, hospitality and tourism, among others. Likewise, needs were identified for soft skills, communication skills, technological skills, and language skills.

By Iris Cantillo Velásquez, Greys Sáenz Gutiérrez

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